What Causes Nosebleeds and How to Treat them

What Causes Nosebleeds and How to Treat them

What causes nosebleeds

What causes nosebleeds? Nasal bleeding is typical. Despite being frightening, they rarely point to a significant medical issue. Numerous blood arteries may be seen at the front and rear of the nose, close to the skin’s surface. They bleed frequently and are quite brittle. Adults and children between the ages of 3 and 10 frequently get nosebleeds.

Types of Nosebleeds

There are two kinds of nosebleeds. An anterior nosebleed and a posterior nosebleed.

An anterior nosebleed occurs when the blood vessels in the front of the nose break and bleed.

A posterior nosebleed occurs in the back or the deepest part of the nose. In this case, blood flows down the back of the throat. Posterior nosebleeds can be dangerous.

Causes of nosebleeds

Nosebleeds can have a variety of reasons. Rarely is a sudden or irregular nosebleed life threatening. If you get nosebleeds frequently, you may be dealing with a more significant issue.

The most frequent cause for nosebleeds is dry air. The nasal membranes, which are tissues within the nose, can become dry by utilizing a central heating system and living in a dry environment.

This dryness causes crusting inside the nose. Crusting may itch or become irritated. If your nose is scratched or picked, it can bleed.

Antihistamines and decongestants can dry up the nasal membranes and induce nosebleeds whether taken for allergies, colds, or sinus issues. Another cause for nosebleeds is frequent blowing of the nose.

Other common causes of nosebleeds include:

  • foreign object stuck in the nose
  • chemical irritants
  • allergic reaction
  • injury to the nose
  • repeated sneezing
  • picking the nose
  • cold air
  • upper respiratory infection
  • large doses of aspirin

Other causes of nosebleeds include:

  • high blood pressure
  • bleeding disorders
  • blood clotting disorders
  • cancer

Most nosebleeds don’t need to be treated by a doctor. However, if your nosebleed persists for more than 20 minutes or happens following an accident, you should visit a doctor. This can indicate a more serious posterior nosebleed.

A fall, a vehicle accident, or a blow to the face are among the accidents that might result in a nosebleed. After-injury nosebleeds might be an indication of a broken nose, skull fracture, or internal bleeding.

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Diagnosing a nosebleed

Your doctor will perform a physical examination if you go to the hospital with a nosebleed to identify the cause. They’ll look for evidence of a foreign item in your nose. Your medical background and current medicines will also be discussed.

Inform your doctor of any other symptoms you experience as well as any recent wounds. The cause of a nosebleed cannot be identified by a single test. To determine the cause, your doctor may carry out diagnostic procedures.

These tests include:

  • complete blood count (CBC), which is a blood test to check for blood disorders
  • partial thromboplastin time (PTT), which is a blood test that checks how long it takes for your blood to clot
  • nasal endoscopy
  • CT scan of the nose
  • X-ray of the face and nose

How to treat a nosebleed

Nose bleeding treatment: The nature and cause of a nosebleed will determine the appropriate course of treatment. Discover how to get a nose bleed to stop by continuing to read.

Anterior nosebleed

An anterior nosebleed occurs when there is bleeding from the front of the nose, typically from a nostril. An anterior nosebleed may be treated at home. Squeeze the soft area of your nose while sitting up.

Make sure that your nostrils are fully closed. Keep your nostrils closed for 10 minutes, lean forward slightly, and breathe through your mouth.

Don’t lie down when trying to stop a nosebleed. Lying down can result in swallowing blood and can irritate your stomach. Release your nostrils after 10 minutes and check to see if the bleeding has stopped. Repeat these steps if bleeding continues.

You can also apply a cold compress over the bridge of your nose or use a nasal spray decongestant to close off the small blood vessels.

If you can’t stop a nosebleed on your own, then see a doctor right away. It’s possible that you have a posterior nosebleed that needs more intensive care.

Posterior nosebleed

When you have a posterior nosebleed, your nose starts to bleed from the rear. Additionally, the blood usually runs down your throat from the back of your nose. Less often occurring and frequently more dangerous than anterior nosebleeds are posterior nosebleeds.

It is not advisable to treat posterior nosebleeds at home. If you believe you have a posterior nosebleed, call your doctor right away or go to the emergency room (ER).

Nosebleeds caused by foreign objects

If a foreign object is the cause, your doctor can remove the object.


Additionally, frequent or chronic nosebleeds can be stopped with a medical procedure called cauterization. This entails your doctor using either a heating device or the tissue-removing agent silver nitrate to burn the blood vessels in your nose.

Your doctor may pack your nose with cotton, gauze, or foam. They may also use a balloon catheter to apply pressure to your blood vessels and stop the bleeding.

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How to prevent nosebleeds

There are several ways to prevent nosebleeds.

  • Use a humidifier in your house to keep the air moist.
  • Avoid picking your nose.
  • Limit your intake of aspirin, which can thin your blood and contribute to nosebleeds. Discuss this with your doctor first because the benefits of taking aspirin might outweigh the risks.
  • Use antihistamines and decongestants in moderation. These can dry out the nose.
  • Use a saline spray or gel to keep the nasal passages moist.


The majority of the time, nosebleeds are not serious. The majority are anterior nosebleeds, which are frequently treatable at home. These typically start abruptly and end quickly.

Many factors contribute to them, but dry air and frequent picking or scratching of the nose stand out. Call your doctor right away if you can’t stop the anterior nosebleed from bleeding.

A posterior nosebleed can be more serious. If you think you might have a posterior nosebleed, contact your doctor immediately or go to the Emergency Room.

One of the best methods to stop nosebleeds is to keep your home’s air humidified, refrain from picking your nose, and use nasal mists to keep your nasal passages wet.


What causes nosebleeds in kids

Nose bleeding causes in child: Nosebleeds are frequently caused by simple behaviors like your child picking their nose, blowing too hard or frequently, or being hit in the nose while playing. Blood vessels that are too sensitive and rupture and bleed in warm, dry conditions are some other potential causes of nosebleeds.

What can nosebleeds be a sign of?

Most nosebleeds are not serious. However, frequent or severe nosebleeds may be a sign of more serious health conditions and should be investigated, including high blood pressure or a disease of blood coagulation. Anemia, for instance, might develop as a result of excessive bleeding that lasts for a long time.

How to stop nose bleeding?

How to stop nose bleeds: Sit down and firmly pinch the soft part of your nose, just above your nostrils, for at least 10-15 minutes. lean forward and breathe through your mouth – this will drain blood into your nose instead of down the back of your throat.

What causes nose bleeding in adults?

Causes of nose bleeding in adults: Nosebleeds in adults are mostly caused by picking your nose, particularly if you scratch the inside of your nose with a sharp fingernail. blowing your nose very hard. a minor injury to your nose. a blocked or stuffy nose often caused by an infection such as a cold or flu.

What causes nosebleeds in females?

Dry air is the most frequent reason for nosebleeds. Hot, low-humidity climes and warm interior air both contribute to dry air. The nasal membrane, which is the fragile tissue inside your nose, dries up in both settings, becomes crusty or cracked, and is more prone to bleed when rubbed, plucked, or when you blow your nose.

When to worry about a nosebleed?

Most nosebleeds are not serious. However, frequent or severe nosebleeds may be a sign of more serious health problems and should be investigated, including high blood pressure or a disease of blood coagulation. Anemia, for instance, might develop as a result of excessive bleeding that lasts for a long time.

What causes nose bleeding when you are asleep?

The same factors that cause nosebleeds during the day also cause them at night: dry air-induced nasal membrane, allergies, colds, and other upper respiratory illnesses that harm the fragile nasal membrane lining your nose.

What causes a nosebleed in one nostril?

Mostly, frequent nosebleeds in one nostril are caused by picking your nose, especially if you use a sharp fingernail to scratch the inside of your nose, firmly blowing your nose, somewhat slight nose damage, a congested or stuffy nose frequently brought on by an infection like the flu or a cold.

Why do nosebleeds happen?

Numerous tiny, sensitive blood veins can easily become injured and bleed on the inside of your nose. Picking your nose is a common cause of nosebleeds as well as firmly blowing your nose.

Can stress cause nosebleeds?

Yes, stress can make you bleed from the nose. Nosebleeds can occur for a variety of other causes, so if you get them frequently, speak with your doctor. Nevertheless, they are still possible if a tiny blood artery in the lining of the nose breaks.

What Causes Your Nose to Bleed