How to Treat Stuffy Nose at Home Naturally

In this article you will learn how to sleep with a stuffy nose or rather say; blocked nose at night home remedies, which side to sleep with blocked nose, how to unclog your nose instantly, how to open blocked nose home remedies.

In this article you will learn how to sleep with a stuffy nose or rather say; blocked nose at night home remedies, which side to sleep with blocked nose, how to unclog your nose instantly, how to open blocked nose home remedies.

What causes a stuffy nose?

Anything that causes irritation to the nasal mucosa might aggravate a stuffy nose. Runny and stuffy noses are frequently caused by allergies and infections, such as colds, the flu, or sinusitis. These sensations can also be brought on by airborne irritants including tobacco smoke, perfume, dust, and car exhaust.

Now that you are familiar with what causes a stuffy nose, let us examine the underlying reasons!

1. Allergies

Seasonal allergies are among the most frequent causes of stuffy noses. Having said that, some people are also allergic to smoking, dust mites, pets, and even laundry detergent.

So these allergies can swell up the sinuses, leading to a stuffy nose. Therefore, if you are wondering why does my nose get stuffy at night, this can be it. Here, you must speak with your doctor. 

2. Upper respiratory infection

Your stuffy nose may be the result of an upper respiratory infection such as a cold. When your cold goes away, this is where your stuffy nose is treated.

But if your stuffy nose is making it difficult for you to fall asleep, decongestants and medications from your doctor can help.

3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Were you aware? Stuffy noses can occasionally be caused by acid reflux. The stomach acids ascend the esophagus during an acid reflux episode. It might irritate your nasal passages when you’re lying down.

Here, you can ensure that you have dinner earlier than usual and don’t go to bed immediately after the meal. 

How to Sleep with a Stuffy Nose

Having a stuffy nose may be annoying. But it nearly seems unthinkable to attempt to sleep with one. Even if you’re trying your hardest to discover the ideal sleeping position, sleep still seems so far away. There can be a variety of reasons why one may suffer from a stuffy nose.

Now, before you dismiss it as a lost cause, we are here with tips on how to sleep with a stuffy nose. These tips will help you enjoy a restful shut-eye.

So, read ahead for more:

1. Try cough drops

Here, one would question why cough drops. Cough drops work wonders for stuffy nose at night, and they’re a great treatment for sore throat as well. 

While cough drops won’t cure your stuffy nose entirely, they will certainly make breathing much easier. They can help you avoid developing any further cold symptoms, such as a sore throat and cough, in addition to clearing up your stuffy nose.

However, ensure you take the correct dosage.

2. Stay hydrated

Water consumption is the last thing on your mind when you have a clogged nose. Yet staying hydrated is crucial. 8 to 15 glasses of water a day are required for adults. Consequently, always have a bottle with you, especially if you’re ill.

3. Avoid blowing your nose

The first thing you want to do when you have a stuffy nose is to blow your nose, but that’s a mistake. In fact, if you are wondering how to sleep with a stuffy nose, step number one is to avoid blowing your nose. 

Blowing your nose too hard can lead to excess pressure, leading the fluid from your nose to reach sinuses. Therefore, even if you have the urge to blow your nose, do it very gently.

4. Avoid alcohol

It’s normal to turn to alcohol at times. You could believe that having one or two glasses of your preferred red wine would help you go asleep. But let’s avoid making this error! 

Why? For some, consuming alcohol can worsen allergies and cause blocked sinuses. And even if you don’t experience any respiratory issues with alcohol, it makes it difficult to stay asleep.

5. Eat spicy foods

Have you ever noticed how when you consume spicy food, you experience a runny nose and even feel like your sinuses are clear? Because that’s precisely what it does!

When you consume spicy food such as cayenne pepper or wasabi, it can quickly clear your sinuses. In fact, you can also add garlic and pepper for that extra kick.

6. Keep track of household humidity

Your mucous is thick and sticky when there is little humidity or excessive dryness in the air. As a result, keeping indoor humidity levels between 40% and 50% is crucial. There’s always a humidifier you can use.

7. Drink calming tea

Sipping a hot beverage provides the necessary solace when you have a stuffy nose. A great alternative is herbal tea, such passionfruit or chamomile. A spoonful of honey can also be used to lessen the symptoms of a common cold.

8. Take a hot shower

Steam exposure after a hot shower can help thin mucus and clear a clogged nose because of the increased humidity!

Also, showers can make you feel cozy, and taking one approximately 90 minutes before bed can help you sleep better.

9. Wear nasal strips

If your stuffy nose is making it difficult for you to breathe, you may want to consider nasal strips. You can easily find drugstores near you that sell drug-free nasal strips!

10. Take allergy medicine

If you have a stuffy nose, the first thing you should do is take allergy medication. It is essential to do this before bed to ensure that you have no difficulties falling asleep.

However, if you don’t have prescribed medication, it is always best to consult your doctor before taking over-the-counter medications.

11. Turn on the air filter

It is preferable to switch on the air filter if the dirty air in your house is contributing to your stuffy nose. It has been shown that air filters help lessen asthma and allergy symptoms. This works wonders for helping a baby with a stuffy nose go to sleep.

12. Take a ginger shot

Anyone up for a shot? We’re talking about ginger shots here, not tequila. Ginger has potent anti-inflammatory qualities. So, a ginger shot can do the deed when you are going through a stuffy nose or cold.

Ginger shots may be made at home with ginger juice, lemon, and honey, or they can be easily found in grocery shops these days. If the ginger shot doesn’t appeal to you, there’s your solution—take a drink of ginger tea!

13. Apply a vapor rub

Vapor rub is a classic remedy for colds and congested noses. You can’t lose here, then. Rubbing it on the neck or chest can help improve the quality of your sleep and lessen the symptoms of a cold.

14. Gargle with salt water

Yes, its primary use is as a sore throat treatment. However, it may also help with a runny nose. Gargling with salt water can almost instantly relieve symptoms and help avoid upper respiratory infections.

Mix a glass of lukewarm water with half a teaspoon of salt for this solution. Once the salt is dissolved, gargle 5-6 times.

15. Use essential oils

Now is the perfect time to get out your essential oil supply! Numerous studies have demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of peppermint, eucalyptus, and chamomile oil in reducing cold symptoms.

Remember, don’t apply it directly on your skin but mix it with a carrier oil first, such as olive or coconut oil.

16. Sleep in a cool, dark room

When you are sick, a cool and dark room can offer you more comfort than bright light. And the best temperature for a good night’s rest is between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

When to See your Doctor

A stuffy nose usually goes away on its own when you try the above remedies. If you are wondering, is it dangerous to sleep with a blocked nose? The answer is no. While it may be uncomfortable, sleep is essential for you to heal.

However, people who must see a doctor for a stuffy nose are;

  • Infants 
  • Adults who are older than 65
  • People with a compromised immune system

You need to see your doctor if, after a week of trying all the home remedies, your stuffy nose has not improved.

You must also see one immediately if you experience;

  • Breathing difficulties 
  • High fever 
  • Green or yellow nose discharge 
  • Pus or blood from your nose 

The above-mentioned methods can help alleviate the symptoms of stuffy nose or nasal congestion. Your sinuses’ inflammatory blood vessels are the cause of this disorder.

However, if nothing works for you, visit your doctor for medication and other treatment methods.


Can you suffocate sleeping with a stuffy nose?

No, you won’t suffocate while you sleep if you have a stuffy nose. Your body instantly changes to breathing via your mouth if you are unable to breathe via your nose. It can, however, occasionally seem a bit awkward.

How to unclog your nose instantly?

To instantly clear a stuffy nose, try inhaling steam, using a warm compress or irrigating the nasal passages with a saline solution. Menthol rubs and decongestant nasal sprays may also provide quick relief. However, it’s essential not to overuse nasal sprays to avoid rebound congestion.

Which side to sleep with blocked nose?

You can always sleep on your back with your head slightly raised to stay comfortable, as an alternative to sleeping on your side.

How to reduce stuffy nose at night?

  • Avoid Congestion-Causing Triggers Before Bed.
  • Elevate Your Head.
  • Try Nasal Irrigation.
  • Wear Adhesive Strips.
  • Try Steam or a Humidifier.
  • Drink Enough Fluids During the Day.
  • Consider Medications.

Is it dangerous to sleep with a blocked nose?

Sleep is essential for bolstering your body’s defenses against illnesses like the common cold. Seldom is nasal congestion a cause for significant concern. Therefore, sleeping with a clogged nose is not only safe but also necessary, even if it could be a little painful.

See: How to Get Rid of a Sinus Headache Instantly